The STRONG Resiliency Program for Newcomer Youth: A Mixed Methods Exploration of Youth Experiences and Impacts
October 15, 2020 - Journal Article

Claire Crooks, Nataliya Kubishyn, Maisha Syeda, and Lynn Dare examine the impact and experiences of the STRONG Resiliency Program for Newcomer Youth, in the Centre for School Mental Health's latest journal article.
New CSMH journal article on our work with LGBT2Q+ youth
October 15, 2020 - Journal Article

Partnership helping new Canadian children and youth with back-to-school stress
August 28, 2020 - In the News

Mindfulness study promotes calmer, more caring classrooms
August 21, 2020 - In the News

A Guide to Starting and Supporting a Gay-Straight Alliance
August 6, 2020 - Media Release

New Resources! The Centre for School Mental Health at Western University has published two new resources! 'A Guide to Starting and Supporting a GSA' introduces GSA advisors and HRP for LGBT2Q+ Youth facilitators to significant: 1) research; 2) legislation, policy, and guidelines; and 3) procedures and practices
Understanding Concepts and Terminology
August 6, 2020 - Media Release

Impact of MindUP Among Young Children: Improvements in Behavioral Problems, Adaptive Skills, and Executive Functioning
July 31, 2020 - Journal Article

The Health of Canadian Youth: Findings from the Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children Study
July 8, 2020 - In the News

Dr. Wendy Craig co-lead the study and co-authored the report, which provides a comprehensive look into the health and well-being of Canadian youth and their social settings
Ontario Government makes historic investment in public education
June 23, 2020 - In the News

Celebrating student success for the 2019-20 academic year
June 12, 2020 - In the News

Congratulations to our students and recipients of our Fourth R annual scholarships! Well-deserved!
- Bradley Daly - Scotiabank Graduate Award for Students in Violence Against Women and Children
- Bridget Houston - David Wolfe Scholarship in Research on Violence Prevention
- Alisha Wegman - Ray Hughes Scholarship on Innovative Practices in Violence Prevention
- Amanda Kerry - Walter M. Lobb Ontario Graduate Scholarship
Healthy Relationships Series for Educators
May 20, 2020 - In the News

Gratitude, breathing exercises can create resiliency in children
May 5, 2020 - In the News

Dr. Claire Crooks discusses how breathing exercises, expressing gratitude and understanding how the brain works can help children deal with stress.
To access the slides to this presentation, click here.
Amanda Kerry awarded Walter M. Lobb Ontario Graduate Scholarship
March 23, 2020 - News Article

Congratulations Amanda Kerry, one of two 2020 recipients of the Walter M. Lobb Ontario Graduate Scholarship.
Primary Prevention of Violence Against Women and Girls: Current Knowledge about Program Effectiveness
February 5, 2020 - In the News

This report was written for Women and Gender Equality Canada to highlight what we know about the effective prevention of violence directed at women and girls in a Canadian context.
French version: http://www.learningtoendabuse.ca/our-work/pdfs/Western-University-Primary_Prevention_VAWG_FR.pdf
Student Mentor/Program Liaison Mike Cywink leads Banting SS students through collaborative Indigenous mural project
January 14, 2020 - In the News

The process started with Banting SS students answering what Indigenity meant to them. Then, this mural was created...Read the full article or listen now.
Image courtesy of CBC London
The Agenda with Steve Paikin: A Better Way to Battle Bullying
January 8, 2020 - In the News

Dr. Claire Crooks was among a panel of four on The Agenda with Steve Paikin to discuss why bullying remains so prevalent and what can be done to help. This episode aired January 7, 2020.
Image courtesy of The Agenda