CBC London Morning: The lingering effects of social media on school violence
October 29, 2019 - In the News

Devan Selvey and the state of bullying in Canada
October 17, 2019 - In the News

Bridget Houston receives Canada Graduate Scholarships to Honour Nelson Mandela
October 17, 2019 - News Article

Congratulations, Bridget Houston, who has been awarded a Canada Graduate Scholarships (CGS) to Honour Nelson Mandela.
A Fall 2019 update from the MindUP for Young Children project
October 14, 2019 - News Article

It has been a busy fall for the MindUP team from CSMH and LDCSB. See all the updates here.
Uniting Our Nations - A Culture-Focused Mentoring Approach
September 27, 2019 - In the News

This guidebook by MENTOR focuses on the relationship between social-emotional learning and mentoring. Our Uniting Our Nations program is featured (page 35) in a case study as one of four promising models.
September 2019 Update from The Fourth R
September 9, 2019 - In the News

September is here! A new school year has begun and the weather will soon remind us that summer in Ontario, Canada can't last forever. As we approach the last quarter of 2019, here are our most recent news items and project updates from the Fourth R team. We've brought together these six need to know items since our last update.
Vulnerable Youth team meets with Teachers of English as a Second Langauge (TESL) of Windsor
August 6, 2019 - In the News

"Having the opportunity to connect with Margaret, who has a wealth of knowledge and experience assisting newcomer youth with English language development was very valuable to me as a student who is relatively new to conducting research with this population. I was reminded of factors to consider in this work including language barriers, culture, and the significance of rapport-building. I can now appreciate how important it will be to take time to learn who the youth I am working with really are in order to accurately represent their voice through research, and moving forward I can recognize the benefits of having culturally appropriate resources (such as TESL) to learn from." - Alexandra Smith, PhD Candidate
Videos highlight the need for teacher wellness
August 6, 2019 - In the News

Videos highlight the need for teacher wellness. Principal investigator and psychology professor Susan Rodger from the Faculty of Education has joined forces with Education Canada to promote teacher wellness in the nation’s classrooms.
Vulnerable Youth team takes first steps in program adaptation for newcomer youth
July 18, 2019 - News Article

The Vulnerable Youth project team welcomed members from the London Cross Cultural Learner Centre (CCLC), Windsor Women Working with Immigrant Women (W5) and Muslim Resource Centre for Social Support & Integration (MRCSSI) for a Healthy Relationships Plus Program - Enhanced training on Wednesday, July 17, 2019.
United Way Panama members train in the Healthy Relationships Plus Program
July 16, 2019 - In the News

Since January 2019, United Way Panama members have worked with a number of psychologists and program trainers in order to prepare to work within the "Growing in the Community" project. The purpose of the project is to reduce risk factors in the student community. Fourth R Master Trainers Toni Wilson and Sherry Shore-Muñoz travelled to Central America on February 27/28, 2019 to complete the training for the first time ever in Spanish.
Q&A: Discussing teacher burnout with a psychologist and educator
July 7, 2019 - In the News

Dr. Susan Rodger, Principal Investigator and Professor at the Faculty of Education discusses teacher burnout and other topics related to mental health and wellness of teachers in this Q&A with CBC News London.
"Children’s behaviour is telling us what their words cannot..."
June 20, 2019 - In the News

Susan Rodger reflects on research in the area of linking behavioural issues as young children to problems such as lower income, car crashes and reduced lifespan in adulthood. Dr. Rodger cautions researchers in over-interpreting correlational studies because they strip away context. There are more factors to consider.
The Fourth R/CSMH presents the 2019 David Wolfe Scholarship in Research on Violence Prevention
June 3, 2019 - News Article

Congratulations Courtney Cadieux, 2019 recipient of the David Wolfe Scholarship in Research on Violence Prevention.
Mike Cywink and TVDSB student leaders present the 2017-18 Student Leadership Council year-end project at a TVDSB Board Meeting
May 27, 2019 - In the News

Mike Cywink presents the 2017-18 FNMI Student Leadership Council year-end project artwork at a Thames Valley District School Board (TVDSB) Board Meeting on May 28th. Mike was accompanied by two student leaders from the project, Danika Pearce of Central Elgin and Jacquan MacDonald-Stewart of Wilfrid Laurier. *Watch from 9:33 - 17:45
Celebrating the recent accomplishments of Dr. Claire Crooks
April 30, 2019 - News Article

It has been an accomplishing year so far for Claire Crooks, Director of the Centre for School Mental Health.
Alberta Bound for the 51st Annual Banff International Conferences on Behavioural Science
March 29, 2019 - News Article

It was an exciting week of learning and sharing for sixteen CSMH staff and students at the 51st Annual Banff International Conferences on Behavioural Science.
Moving in new directions: Healthy Relationships Plus Program Training held in Panama City, Panama
March 11, 2019 - News Article

Small groups program for preventing violence and promoting healthy relationships to be adapted for vulnerable youth
February 13, 2019 - News Article

Dr. Claire Crooks and her team are pleased to announce they have received $5 million in funding from the Public Health Agency of Canada.
Administrators and educators role in preventing problematic substance use
February 1, 2019 - In the News

Learn more about Preventing Problematic Substance Use Through Positive Youth Development in the latest issue of the CAP Journal - The Canadian Resource for School. (page 17)
PREVNet's Newsletter Series for Educators: A Series of Safe and Accepting Schools Newsletters for Educators
January 15, 2019 - In the News

As a member of PREVNet, sharing these newsletter resources allow educators to continue to access evidence-based strategies and practices to promote healthy relationships in the classroom and school community, as well as help teachers support the optimal development and well-being of students.