Chilly temperatures, but a warm welcome – stories from Inuvik travels
December 18, 2018 - News Article

Susan Dale and Alicia Lapointe traveled to Inuvik, Northwest Territories to facilitate trainings in HRPP Enhanced and HRP for LGBT2Q+ Youth
TVDSB's Matt Sereda addresses how teachers can support students in healthy relationships and dating issues
December 11, 2018 - In the News

Matt Sereda, Equity Learning Coordinator for the Thames Valley District School Board, addresses the Healthy Relationships Program as one of many resources to help educators in modelling healthy relationships
Promoting wellness among Teacher Candidates transitioning into workplace
November 7, 2018 - News Article

An interactive and reflective half-day conference geared towards promoting wellness among pre-service teachers.
Share2Care for Teach Resiliency: Share your care of positive mental health
October 22, 2018 - News Article

Share2Care is looking for mental health initiatives that are making a positive impact on the mental health of students and school staff. Each resource will be added to the Teach Resiliency learning portal.
Dr. Susan Rodger part of newly formed Teacher Education Wellness Committee
October 16, 2018 - News Article

Western's Faculty of Education forms Teacher Education Wellness Committee. Dr. Susan Rodger, Principal Investigator at CSMH is among four faculty representatives.
PhD candidates awarded Ontario Graduate Scholarships
October 2, 2018 - News Article

PhD candidates Richelle Bird, Amanda Kerry and Jasprit Pandori recently received Ontario Graduate Scholarships.
Outdated Ontario health curriculum reinstated as Fellow Dr. David Wolfe is named to RSC for work in youth risk behaviours
September 24, 2018 - News Article

David Wolfe, Founding Partner of the Fourth R, named as a new Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (RSC). At the same time, news breaks of the outdated Ontario health curriculum to be reinstated.
Response to Ontario's Health and Physical Education Curriculum changes
July 26, 2018 - News Article

A message from the Fourth R on the recently announced Health and Physical Education Curriculum changes.
Western Education receives funding for cannabis education
June 18, 2018 - News Article

The Centre for School Mental Health has received $99,000 from the Public Health Agency of Canada to work with stakeholders on identifying and scaling up effective school-based interventions that are aimed at promoting positive youth development and preventing problematic cannabis use and other problematic substance use among youth aged 11-18 years old.
The Fourth R/CSMH presents the 2018 David Wolfe Scholarship in Research on Violence Prevention
June 16, 2018 - News Article

Congratulations Amanda Kerry, 2018 recipient of the David Wolfe Scholarship in Research on Violence Prevention.
The Fourth R/CSMH presents the 2018 Ray Hughes Scholarship on Innovative Practices in Violence Prevention
June 1, 2018 - News Article

Congratulations to Steven Budafalvi, 2018 recipient of the Ray Hughes Scholarship on Innovative Practices in Violence Prevention.
Centre for School Mental Health and Fourth R sponsor 12th Annual Father's Day Breakfast
May 31, 2018 - News Article

Be an upstander, not a bystander....be a leader....set an example - these were the topics of discussion at the 12th Annual Father's Day Breakfast hosted by Western's Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women and Children (CREVAWC) on May 31.
Breaking the uncomfortable silence
April 5, 2018 - In the News

Crooks and Cywink weigh in on promoting well-being in Indigenous youth
March 26, 2018 - News Article

Highlights from the 50th Banff International Conferences on Behavioural Science. Dr. Claire Crooks and Mike Cywink lead their workshop on promoting well-being in Indigenous youth.
#OERS18 - Promoting Positive Mental Health and Cultural Connectedness Through Strengths-Based Mentoring with Indigenous Youth
March 6, 2018 - News Article

Dr. Claire Crooks, Mike Cywink, and Paul McKenzie (TVDSB) present at the 12th annual Ontario Education Research Symposium in Toronto, March 2, 2018.
Journal Article - Lessons from the Alaska Fourth R project
January 4, 2018 - Journal Article

This paper describes the Alaska Fourth R collaborative, a multisectoral group of agencies (including education, health and human services, the violence against women sector, the governor’s council on domestic violence, and an external evaluator) that successfully planned, implemented and evaluated a multi-focus health education program statewide.