Amanda Kerry defending her doctoral dissertation in August 2019.
Monday, March 23, 2020
Amanda Kerry defending her doctoral dissertation in August 2019.
Congratulations, Dr. Amanda Kerry, who has been awarded one of two 2020 Walter M. Lobb Ontario Graduate Scholarships. This award is issued on behalf of the Faculty of Education at Western University's Graduate Awards Committee.
Amanda recently defended her doctoral dissertation in August 2019. Her research, "Adaptation & Preliminary Effectiveness of a Social-Emotional Learning Program in Youth Justice Settings" encapuslates four years of focus in furthering the work of youth offender needs within correctional settings. Amanda implemented and adapted the Fourth R Healthy Relationships Plus Program (HRPP), a small groups program targeting violence prevention and healthy relationships, within the youth justice system. Her goal was to examine the feasibility and fit of the adapted HRPP program to meet the needs of youth offenders better and fit the constraints of a correctional setting.
The Walter M. Lobb Ontario Graduate Scholarship is awarded annually to a full-time Master's or Doctoral student in the Faculty of Education who is a current holder of an Ontario Graduate Scholarship, based on academic achievement and research merit. Preference is given to students who are conducting research in the area of children’s mental health.
Congratulations, Amanda!
From your colleagues at the Centre for School Mental Health