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- The Fourth R prepares for Dominican Republic expansion
The Fourth R prepares for Dominican Republic expansion
Andrew Graham
Friday, August 18, 2023
Researcher Heidi Luft (standing on the left) is joined by colleagues from the Ministry of Education, Fourth R developers (virtual), and Fourth R project teams from the U.S. and Nicaragua during a multi-day adaptation workshop in the Dominican Republic.
A program designed to reduce risky behaviours in adolescents and promote healthy relationships is expanding its reach to the Dominican Republic.
Developed by Western Education’s Centre for School Mental Health (CSMH), The Fourth R is a skill-focused, relationship-based program that’s delivered as curriculum.
Its name references the three Rs, or the three basic skills taught in schools — Reading, wRiting and aRithmetic. The program’s creators believe relationships, the fourth R, can and should be taught in schools the same way as the other 3 Rs are taught – by providing accurate information and lots of opportunity to practice healthy relationship skills.
See the rest of the article on Western Education News