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Journal Articles
Syeda, M.M., Fournie, M., Ibanez, M.C., & Crooks, C.V. (2021). Cocreating an evaluation approach for a healthy relationships program with community partners: Lessons learned and recommendations. American Journal of Evaluation, 1-17.
Delaney, A., Auger, M., van der Woerd, K., Crooks, C.V. (2021). “This person is still here with us today”: A qualitative follow-up with mental health first aid first nations training participants . Mental Health & Prevention , 22 (2021), 1-7.
Kim, S., Crooks, C.V., Bax, K., & Shokoohi, M. (2021). Impact of trauma-informed training and mindfulness-based social-emotional learning program on teacher burnout: A mixed-methods study . School Mental Health 2021 (13), 55-68.
Crooks, C., Kubishyn, N., Syeda, M., Dare, L. (2020). The STRONG resiliency program for newcomer youth: A mixed-methods exploration of youth experiences and impacts . International Journal of School Social Work , 5 (2), 1-22.
Cwinn, Eli., Cadieux, C., Crooks, C. (2020). Who are we missing? The impact of requiring parental or guardian consent on research With lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, two-spirit, queer/questioning youth . Journal of Adolescent Health 68 (2021), 1204-1206.
Crooks, C.V., Bax, K., Delaney, A., Kim, H., & Shokoohi, M. (2020). Impact of MindUP among young children: Improvements in behavioral problems, adaptive skills, and executive Functioning . Mindfulness, 11 (2020), 2433-2444.
Crooks, C.V., Smith, A.C.G., Robinson-Link, N., Orenstein, S., & Hoover, S. (2020). Psychosocial interventions in schools with newcomers: A structured conceptualization of system, design, and individual needs . Children and Youth Services Review, 112 (2020), 104894.
Crooks, C.V., Hoover, S., Smith, A.C.G. (2020). Feasibility trial of the school-based STRONG intervention to promote resilience among newcomer youth . Psychology in the Schools, 2020 , 1-15.
Exner-Cortens, D., Wright, A., Hurlock, D., Krause, P., & Crooks, C.V. (2019). Preventing adolescent dating violence: An outcomes protocol for evaluating a gender-transformative healthy relationships promotion program . Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications, 16 , 100484.
Cadieux, C., Crooks, C.V., & King, C. (2019). Parents' experiences with an individualized intervention designed to strengthen the family-school partnership: The Parents in Partnership with Educators Program (PIPE) . Exceptionality Education International .
Coyne-Foresi, M., Crooks, C. V., Chiodo, D., Nowicki, E., & Dare, L. (2019). A mixed methods exploration of benefits for youth mentors in an Indigenous high school peer mentoring program. Mentoring and Tutoring: Partnership in Learning.
Exner-Cortens, D., Spiric, V., Crooks, C. V., Syeda, M., & Wells, L. (2019). Predictors of healthy youth relationships program implementation in a sample of Canadian middle school teachers. Canadian Journal of School Psychology. Doi: 10.1177/0829573519857422
Exner-Cortens, D., Wolfe, D., Crooks, C.V., & Chiodo, D. (2019). A randomized controlled evaluation of a universal healthy relationships promotion program for youth . Canadian Journal of School Psychology , 00 (0), 1-20. DOI: 10.1177/0829573518821508
Crooks, C. V., Jaffe, P. G., Dunlop, C., Kerry, A., & Exner-Cortens, D. (2018). Preventing gender-based violence among adolescents and young adults: Lessons from 25 years of program development and evaluation. Violence Against Women 25 (1), 29-55.
Lapointe, A., Dunlop C., & Crooks, C. V. (2018). Feasibility and fit of an evidence informed mental health promotion program adapted for LGBTQ+ youth: Lessons learned from a healthy relationships pilot . Journal of Youth Development, 13 (4), 100-117. DOI:
Jaffe, P. G., Crooks, C. V., Reid, M., White, J., Pugh-Markie, D., & Baker, L. (2018). Enhancing judicial skills in domestic violence cases: the development, implementation, and preliminary evaluation of a model US program. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 40 (4), 496-514. DOI: 1080/09649069.2018.1519655
Lapointe, A., & Crooks, C. V. (2018). GSA members' experiences with a structured program to promote well-being . Journal of LGBT Youth , 0 , 1-19. DOI: 10.1080/19361653.2018.1479672
Lapshina, N., Crooks, C. V., & Kerry, A. (2018). Changes in depression and positive mental health among youth in a healthy relationships program . Canadian Journal of School Psychology, 1-17. DOI: 10.1177/0829573518777154
Auger, M., Crooks, C.V., Lapp, A., Tsuruda, S., Caron, C., Rogers, B.J., & van der Woerd, K. (2018). The essential role of cultural safety in developing culturally-relevant prevention programming in First Nations communities: Lessons learned from a national evaluation of Mental Health First Aid First Nations . Evaluation and Program Planning, 72 (2019), 188-196. DOI:
Crooks, C. V., Lapp, A., Auger, M., van der Woerd, K., Snowshoe, A., Rogers, B.J., Tsuruda, S., & Caron, C. (2018). A feasibility trial of mental health first aid first nations: Acceptability, cultural adaptation, and preliminary outcomes . Am J Community Psychol , 0 , 1-13. DOI: 10.1002/ajcp.12241
Crooks, C. V., Exner-Cortens, D., Siebold, W., Moore, K., Grassgreen, L., Owen, P., Rausch, A., & Rosier, M. (2018). The role of relationships in collaborative partnership success: Lessons from the Alaska Fourth R project . Evaluation and Program Planning , 67 (2018), 97-104. DOI: 10.1016/k.evalprogplan.2017.12.007
Crooks, C. V. , Broll, R., & Dunlop, C. (2017). Cyberbullying and Internalizing Difficulties among Indigenous Adolescents in Canada: Beyond the Effect of Traditional Bullying. Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma . DOI: 10.1007/s40653-017-0163-y
Crooks, C. V., Zwicker, J., Wells, L., Hughes, R., Langlois, A., & Emery, J. C. H. (2017) Estimating costs and benefits associated with evidence-based prevention: Four case studies based on the Fourth R program . The School of Public Policy, SPP Research Papers, 10 (10), 1-27.
Crooks, C.V., Exner-Cortens, D., Burm, S., Lapointe, A., & Chiodo, D. (2017). Two years of relationship-focused mentoring for First Nations, Métis, and Inuit adolescents: Promoting positive mental health . Journal of Primary Prevention.
Crooks, C. V., Jaffe, P. G., & Rodriguez, A. (2016). Increasing knowledge and self-efficacy through a pre-service course on Safe Schools: The crucial role of reducing moral disengagement . Advances in School Mental Health Promotion. DOI: 10.1080/1754730X.2016.1249383
Crooks, C. V., Burleigh, D., & Sisco, A. (2015). Promoting First Nations, Metis, and Inuit Youth Wellbeing through Culturally-Relevant Programming: The Role of Cultural Connectedness and Identity . International Journal of Child and Adolescent Resilience, 3 , 101-116.
Crooks, C. V., Burleigh, D., Snowshoe, A., Lapp, A., Hughes, R. & Sisco, A. (2015). A case study of culturally relevant school-based programming for First Nations youth: Improved relationships, confidence and leadership, and school success . Advances in School Mental Health Promotion. DOI: 10.1080/1754730X.2015.1064775
Crooks, C. V., Scott, K. L., Broll, R., Zwarych, S., Hughes, R., & Wolfe, D. A. (2015). Does an evidence-based healthy relationships program for 9th graders show similar effects for 7th and 8th graders? Results from 57 schools randomized to intervention . Health Education Research. DOI: 10.1093/her/cyv014
Crooks, C. V., Chiodo, D., Zwarych, S., Hughes, R., & Wolfe, D. A. (2013). Predicting implementation success of an evidence-based program to promote healthy relationships among students two to eight years after teacher training . Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health, 32 , 125-138.
Crooks, C. V., Snowshoe, A., Chiodo, D., & Brunette-Debassige, C. (2013). Navigating between rigour and community-based research partnerships: Building the evaluation of the Uniting Our Nations health promotion program for FNMI youth . Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health, 32 , 13-25. doi:
Crooks, C. V., Scott, K., Ellis, W., & Wolfe, D. A. (2011). Impact of a universal school-based violence prevention program on violent delinquency: Distinctive benefits for youth with maltreatment histories . Child Abuse & Neglect, 35 , 393-400. doi:
Snowshoe, A., Crooks, C. V., Tremblay, P. F., & Hinson, R. E. (2017). Cultural connectedness and its relation to mental health for First Nations youth . Journal of Primary Prevention, 38 (1-2), 67-86. DOI:10.1007/s10935-016-0454-3.
Snowshoe, A., Crooks, C. V., Tremblay, P. F., Craig, W. M., & Hinson, R. E. (2015). Development of a cultural connectedness scale for First Nations youth . Psychological Assessment, 27 , 249-259. doi:
Morris, M., & Crooks, C. V. (2015). Structural and cultural factors in suicide prevention: The contrast between mainstream and Inuit approaches to understanding and preventing suicide . Journal of Social Work Practice. DOI: 10.1080/02650533.2015.1050655
Broll, R., Crooks, C. V., Burns, S., Hughes, R., & Jaffe, P. G. (2013). Parental monitoring, media literacy, and rule setting after the Fourth R Parent Media Violence Workshop . International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies, 2 , 301-319.
Chiodo, D., Crooks, C. V., Wolfe, D. A., McIsaac, C., Hughes, R., & Jaffe, P. G. (2012). Longitudinal prediction and concurrent functioning of adolescent girls demonstrating various profiles of dating violence and victimization . Prevention Science, 13 , 350-359. doi:
Wolfe, D. A., Crooks, C. V., Chiodo, D., Hughes, R., & Ellis, W. (2012). Observations of adolescent peer resistance skills following a classroom-based healthy relationship program: A post-intervention comparison . Prevention Science, 13 , 196-205. doi:
Wolfe, D.A., Crooks, C.V., Jaffe, P., Chiodo, D., Hughes, R., Ellis, W., Stitt, L., & Donner, A. (2009). A school-based program to prevent adolescent dating violence . Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 163 (8), 692-699. doi:10.1001/archpediatrics.2009.69
Crooks, C. V., Chiodo, D. C., Thomas, D., & Hughes, R. (2009). Strengths-based programming for First Nations youth in schools: Building engagement through healthy relationships and leadership skills . International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. DOI: 10.1007/s11469-009-9242-0
Brown, E.L., Philoppo, K.L., Weston, K. & Rodger, S. (2019). United States and Canada pre-service teacher certification standards for student mental health: A comparative case study . Teaching and Teacher Education , 80 (2019), 71-82. DOI: 10.1016/j.tate.2018.12.015
Rodger, S., Hibbert, K. & Leschied, L. (2017). Teach Resiliency: A resource for teacher and student wellness. Education Canada, 57 (2), 30-33.
Rodger, S., Bourdage, R., Hancock, K., Hsiang, R., Masters, R., & Leschied, A. (2016). Supporting Students: A GRADE Analysis of the Research on Student Wellness and Classroom Mental Health, Support . Canadian Journal of School Psychology . Online First
Rodger, S., Hibbert, K., Leschied, A., Pickel, L., Stepien, M., Atkins, M-A., Koenig, A., Woods, J., & Vandermeer, M. (2014). Shaping a mental health curriculum for Canada’s teacher education programs: Rationale and brief overview . Physical & Health Education Journal, 80 (3), 28-29.
Schwean, V., & Rodger, S. (2013). Children first: It’s time to change! Mental health promotion, prevention, and treatment informed by public health, and resiliency approaches . Canadian Journal of School Psychology, 28 , 136-166. doi:
Koenig, A., Rodger, S., & Specht, J. (2017). Learning to Prevent Burning and Fatigue: Teacher Burnout and Compassion Fatigue - A Pilot Study . Canadian Journal of School Psychology . Online First
Atkins, M.A., & Rodger, S. R. (2016). Preservice Teacher Education for Mental Health and Inclusion in Schools . Exceptional Education International. 26, 93-118.
Meek, F., Specht, J. & Rodger, S. (2016). A mental health training format for adult education teachers . Canadian Journal of School Psychology , 1-19.
Smith, J., Rodger, S., Brown, J., Pickel, L. DenDunnen, W. & Leschied, A. (2015). Comparing the experiences and withdrawal considerations of treatment and regular foster care parents: The Canadian Perspective . International Journal of Child, Youth & Family Studies. 6 (1), 93-110.
Berman, H., Mason, R., Hall, J., Rodger, S. et al. (2014). Laboring into mother in the context of past trauma: The transition to motherhood . Qualitative Health Research , 24 (9), 1253-1264.
Zalmanowitz, S., Leschied, A., Rodger, S, & Corbett, B. (2013). The association of readiness to change and motivational interviewing with treatment outcomes in males involved in domestic violence group therapy . Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 28 (5), 956-974.
Flynn, S., Brown, J., Johnson, A., & Rodger, S. (2011). Barriers to education for the marginalized adult learner . Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 57 (4), 43-58.