GSA members' experiences with a structured program to promote well-being
- GSA members' experiences with a structured program to promote well-being
- Expériences vécues par les membres d'une AGS dans le cadre d'un programme structuré de promotion du bien-être
The Fourth R's HRP for LGBT2Q+ Youth helps bolster positive mental wellness and encourage skill development among queer, trans, and gender diverse youth. It was adapted from the Healthy Relationships Plus Program (HRPP) - an evidence-informed, small group universal prevention program for youth that promotes positive mental health and well-being, and prevents risky behaviours. The HRP for LGBT2Q+ Youth was developed in consultation with academics, educators, and youth, and consists of 17 sessions, each lasting 45 minutes.
Authors: Alicia Lapointe, Claire Crooks (2017).
Keywords: coping strategies; GSA; healthy relationships; LGBT2Q+ youth; mental health; program
Summary by: Alicia Lapointe, PhD